ID 17740
Group ID 27
Market Group ID 1380
Volume 470,000 m3
Packaged Volume 15,000 m3

Market Pricing (low market volume)

For items with a low volume of pending orders, Evepraisal will look at orders from outside the specified region to get a gauge of the price. The market price for this item was last updated 30 minutes ago.

17 Sell Orders / 17 units
Min 1,300,000,000.00 ISK
Median 1,550,000,000.00 ISK
Average 1,576,956,401.75 ISK
1st Percentile 1,300,000,000.00 ISK
Standard Deviation 280,202,710.24 ISK
sell market-price = min(sell order prices)
45 Buy orders / 87 units
Max 1,261,000,000.00 ISK
Median 912,000,000.00 ISK
Average 77,649,154.17 ISK
99th Percentile 1,261,000,000.00 ISK
Standard Deviation 560,548,894.06 ISK
buy market-price = max(buy order prices)

Market Pricing (low market volume)

For items with a low volume of pending orders, Evepraisal will look at orders from outside the specified region to get a gauge of the price. The market price for this item was last updated 30 minutes ago.

17 Sell Orders / 17 units
Min 1,300,000,000.00 ISK
Median 1,550,000,000.00 ISK
Average 1,576,956,401.75 ISK
1st Percentile 1,300,000,000.00 ISK
Standard Deviation 280,202,710.24 ISK
sell market-price = min(sell order prices)
45 Buy orders / 87 units
Max 1,261,000,000.00 ISK
Median 912,000,000.00 ISK
Average 77,649,154.17 ISK
99th Percentile 1,261,000,000.00 ISK
Standard Deviation 560,548,894.06 ISK
buy market-price = max(buy order prices)

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